With 85 percent of the male population achieving baldness at an alarming rate, male pattern baldness is considered to be becoming a major health problem. This report presented by the American Hair Loss Association shows that a large majority of the population is dealing with the emotional and physical consequences of baldness.

Male pattern baldness is a genetic condition triggered by the male sex hormone. The most obvious symptoms of this condition are a receding hairline that causes hair loss mainly at the crown. It occurs when individual hair follicles begin to shrink, causing only the finest, shortest hair to grow. This eventually results in hair shedding and subsequently the end of new hair growth.

Thinning hair and sparse areas on your head are one of the main blows to your self-esteem. It is also known to cause and aggravate complex depressive episodes in people experiencing the condition.

If you want a quick refresher on the things that help (and don’t help) with male pattern baldness, read on.

Myths about the causes of male pattern baldness

Common Habits

Wearing caps, brushing your hair often, or combing your hair with your fingers does not cause baldness. Rough styling methods and heat procedures can cause hair damage, which can lead to hair loss, but it is not related to male pattern baldness. The latter is a genetic condition that is linked to your genetic makeup and hormonal fluctuations.

While this might encourage the male ego in some men, you may want to know the truth. From a positive point of view, it is true that hair does not determine masculinity, but on the other hand, hair loss does not mean that it is due to high levels of testosterone.

Comparisons have been made between men who experience baldness with those who do not, and the results showed that both groups had fairly similar testosterone levels. It’s all about how sensitive your hair follicles are to hormone fluctuations in your body. Therefore, controlling hormonal fluctuations will not affect this condition.

Treatments for male pattern baldness

Men T3 Supplements

If you’re looking for hair loss treatments that really work, check them out. This supplement contains natural 5-alpha-reductase (DHT) inhibitors that prevent hair thinning. It also increases male virility, increases libido and ensures thicker hair.

While this might not be a permanent cure for this genetic condition, it can definitely slow down the baldness process. It can also prevent bald spots from appearing, as well as premature hair loss, so when the condition becomes active, you start with less hair.

This is a 100 percent pure formula that has been tested for effectiveness. Derived from ancient indigenous remedies, it offers generous benefits for hair without causing side effects.

You will notice that there are more myths circulating on the Internet about the treatment for this condition than actual treatments; This is precisely why you should check the ingredients and manufacturing of the products you are using before applying them to your hair.

Men T3 supplements are prepared using organic methods, like all of our other dietary supplements. Additionally, you can find the best mixed tocotrienol supplements to cover vitamin E deficiencies and reduce genetic predisposition to hair loss.

Check out our proprietary tocotrienol-rich blends to get started!

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